2. Izbrani časopisni teksti, kritične refleksije, prezentacije, intervjuji
2. Selected newspaper texts, critical reflections, presentations, interviews

2. Selected newspaper texts, critical reflections, presentations, interviews

2. Selected newspaper texts, critical reflections, presentations, interviews

The second cluster consists of selected newspaper texts, critical reflections, presentations, interviews — published between 1981 and 2005 in newspapers in Slovenia, the former Yugoslavia and its neighbouring countries. These are extensively documented materials that I have archived as an author since 1980, i.e. publications that show the range of significance of the subcultural or alternative scene, both in terms of political reading and the new aesthetics of subculture, the attacks and debates it has generated. as well as continuous publications about events and changes in the field of culture and art on a global scale, in the field of photography, video art and the digital world.

2. Izbrani časopisni teksti, kritične refleksije, prezentacije, intervjuji

2. Izbrani časopisni teksti, kritične refleksije, prezentacije, intervjuji

Drugi sklop predstavljajo izbrani časopisni teksti, kritične refleksije, prezentacije, intervjuji, ki smo jih od leta 1981 do leta 2005 objavljali v časopisju v Sloveniji, v nekdanji Jugoslaviji in njenih sosedah. Gre za obsežno dokumentiran material, ki sem ga kot avtorica arhivirala od leta 1980 naprej, torej za objave, ki pokažejo razpon pomena subkulturne ali alternativne scene, tako v smislu političnega branja in nove estetike subkulture, napadov in razprav, ki jih je ta proizvedla, kot tudi kontinuiranega objavljanja o dogajanjih in spremembah na področju kulture in umetnosti v svetovnem merilu, na področju fotografije, video umetnosti in digitalnega sveta.