Original author (if it is an adaptation) / Author (if it is an original work) | Košan, Janko |
Author of the adaptation / Translator / Editor | |
Title (first edition) | Latinsko-slovenski slovar k Latinski čitanki za tretji gimnazijski razred. Sestavil prof. J. Košan. (1908) |
Title (subsequent editions) | |
Place (first edition) | Ljubljana (1908) |
Place (later editions) | |
Publisher (first edition) | Kleinmayr & Bamberg (1908) |
Publisher (subsequent editions) | |
Year of publication | 1908 |
Subject | Latin language |
Links to digitized material | |
COBISS (library) | https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/84109824 |
Sources and bibliography | Hriberšek, Matej: Klasični jeziki v slovenskem šolstvu : 1848-1945. Ljubljana, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2005, 314. http://www.dlib.si/?URN=URN:NBN:SI:DOC-VB5DZJIG (26. March 2023); Šlebinger, Janko: Košan, Janko (1857–1927). Slovenska biografija. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2013. http://www.slovenska-biografija.si/oseba/sbi294411/#slovenski-biografski-leksikon (24. January 2022). Originally published in: Slovenski biografski leksikon: 4. vol. Kocen - Lužar. Franc Ksaver Lukman et al. Ljubljana, Zadružna gospodarska banka, 1932. |
Notes | The alphabetic dictionary was published at the same time as the reader (Hriberšek, 2005, 189). |