The bibliography of textbooks is located in the "Tabular display"
tab, where a table with basic data is displayed: Title of first
edition, Author, Year, Place (of first edition) and Subject. By
clicking on the link in the title, we open the full description of
each textbook with links to digitized material (if available).
At the top left, you can change the displayed data on the "Column
visibility" button. By clicking on the title of each column,
textbooks can also be sorted by alphabet, year, etc.
By moving through the pages, users can browse between textbooks or
in the search engine at the top right, they can browse all data, and
at the bottom of the table, search for basic data. At the top of the
page, you can also filter textbooks by year of publication and
display textbooks published in the selected period.
The table can be exported in .csv, .xlsx and .pdf formats. If the
data is already filtered with the search engine, it will only export
the displayed textbooks, otherwise the entire table will be
3.1 Using the list of approved textbooks for the period between 1869
and 1918
In creating the database, we made extensive use of the Orders of the
Ministry of Education ("Verordnungsblatt des Ministeriums für Cultus
und Unterricht"). Since 1869, all approved textbooks and teaching
aids have been listed in the latter.16
In addition, from 1878 until the dissolution of the Austria-Hungary
(except in 1916 and 1918), overview lists of valid approved
textbooks for elementary schools and vocational secondary schools
(Bürgerschulen) were also published in the Orders of the Ministry.
Simultaneously with the annual lists of textbooks for elementary
schools and secondary vocational schools, separate lists of teaching
aids also began to be compiled. From 1884 onwards, overview lists of
approved textbooks for high schools and Realschulen were published
approximately every four years.
As part of the work with the Orders of the Ministry of Education, a
relatively extensive corpus of lists of approved textbooks and
teaching aids was created, which we decided to include separately in
the final version of the publication due to its potential usefulness
for researchers of the question under consideration. When
transcribing the titles, we have always faithfully followed the
record in the Orders of the Ministry of Education. The latter may
differ slightly from the actual titles (as a rule, these are minor
typographical errors or shortening of longer titles), but these
differences do not, as a rule, make it difficult to identify
individual textbooks. In the following lines, we will try to briefly
outline the structure and potential usefulness of the present corpus
of lists.
The present corpus of lists of approved textbooks and teaching aids
for the period between 1869 and 1918 is compiled according to the
following key:
Included in the lists are textbooks and teaching aids for
elementary schools and secondary vocational schools, Gymnasia,
Realschulen, and girls' lyceums. Only material in the Slovene
language is included, or material that was specifically intended
for classes in elementary schools with the Slovene language of
instruction. A problem arises especially with teaching aids
because it would probably not be too bold to assume that many
teaching aids, which were not written in Slovene or were not
specifically intended for classes in schools with the Slovene
language of instruction, were used for classes in schools with the
Slovene language of instruction. The limitation to Slovene
language, for example, also led to the fact that we did not
include atlases and maps of individual provinces in the present
list if they were not published in Slovene, but in some other
language (as a rule, maps were published in German and Italian
For the period between 1869 and 1877, the present list is based on
the lists "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis über Lehrbücher und
Lehrmittel" and "Verfügungen, betreffend Lehrbücher und
Lehrmittel". These lists tell us which textbooks were approved in
a particular year, they contain information about the author,
title, location, publisher, year of publication, the environment
in which the textbook is intended to be used (as a rule, these are
individual types of educational institutions, less often for
provincial framework), the type of textbook material and the level
for which the textbook was intended, but they do not provide a
comprehensive list of valid textbooks for an individual year. As
already mentioned, when collecting and digitizing secondary school
textbook material, we limited ourselves to the first four years
(see point 1 regarding exceptions). All lists of this type are
identified in the present corpus of lists by the key
"[Year]_Vf._Lehrbücher_mittel". We kept this type of lists for a
later period as well, but due to the ever-increasing amount of
approved material, we stopped compiling them starting from 1900.
Since 1878 and 1884, all textbooks have also been listed in
overview lists of approved textbooks. We have again prepared such
lists for the period from 1915 onwards. Namely, after 1915,
overview lists of approved textbooks for Gymnasia and Realschulen
were no longer compiled, and after 1917, the same thing happened
with overview lists of textbooks for elementary schools and
vocational secondary schools. The information in the present lists
is somewhat more comprehensive than those which can be obtained
from the overview lists, but the search for information in the
sections "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis über Lehrbücher und
Lehrmittel" and "Verfügungen, betreffend Lehrbücher und
Lehrmittel" with the help of the corresponding indexes and data,
provided by overview lists of textbook material, is relatively
As stated, for the period from 1878 onwards (with the exception of
1916 and 1918), overview lists of textbooks for elementary schools
and vocational secondary schools or higher primary schools, are
available for each year, which allow a good overview of the
changes in the structure of the textbook material and could be an
interesting subject of study. All the mentioned lists are marked
by the key "[Year]_Lehrbücherverzeichnis_V_B". The same applies to
overview lists of textbooks for Gymnasia and Realschulen. These
were compiled at longer intervals and are available for the years
1884, 1888, 1892, 1896, 1900, 1904, 1909, and 1915. The lists also
include material for upper secondary school program, as we
considered it reasonable due to transparency and the possibility
of further analysis of the lists. The material can in principle be
separated from each other without too much difficulty. All the
mentioned lists are marked by the key
Simultaneously with the annual review lists of approved textbooks
for elementary schools and vocational secondary schools, separate
lists of teaching aids also began to be maintained. Despite the
fact that these are also available for the entire period between
1878 and 1918 (except for 1916 and 1918), we did not compile them
for each year separately, but in intervals for 1878; 1880; 1890;
1900; 1910; 1917. All the mentioned lists are marked by the key
An excel file for exporting the
list of approved textbooks
will be available here:
List of approved textbooks (.xslx)