Original author (if it is an adaptation) / Author (if it is an original work) | Žepič, Sebastijan |
Author of the adaptation / Translator / Editor | |
Title (first edition) | Slovar k 'Latinskim vajam' za I. in II. razred gimnasijski, II. del (1875) |
Title (subsequent editions) | |
Place (first edition) | Novo Mesto (1875) |
Place (later editions) | |
Publisher (first edition) | Deželni odbor kranjski (1875) |
Publisher (subsequent editions) | |
Year of publication | 1875 |
Subject | Latin language |
Links to digitized material | |
COBISS (library) | https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/32269315 |
Sources and bibliography | Hriberšek, Matej: Klasični jeziki v slovenskem šolstvu : 1848-1945. Ljubljana, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2005, 151. http://www.dlib.si/?URN=URN:NBN:SI:DOC-VB5DZJIG (26. March 2023); Lisac, Ljubomir Andrej: Žepič, Sebastijan (1829–1883). Slovenska biografija. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2013. http://www.slovenska-biografija.si/oseba/sbi897478/#slovenski-biografski-leksikon (21. January 2022). Originally published in: Slovenski biografski leksikon: 15. vol. Zdolšek - Žvanut. Jože Munda et al. Ljubljana, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 1991; Verordnungsblatt für den Dienstbereich des Ministeriums für Cultus und Unterricht, no. 23 (1882), 226. https://alex.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/alex?aid=vcu&datum=1882&size=45&page=250 (6. May 2023). |
Notes | Matej Hriberšek notes that Part I and Part II of the Dictionary for 'Latin Exercises' for the first and second years of gymnasium were published as special prints, but we usually find them bound to the tutorial' (Hriberšek, 2005, 151). |