Slovenska čitanka za prvi razred dekliškega liceja (1910)

Original author (if it is an adaptation) / Author (if it is an original work)Sket, Jakob; Wester, Josip
Author of the adaptation / Translator / Editor
Title (first edition)Slovenska čitanka za prvi razred dekliškega liceja (1910)
Title (subsequent editions)
Place (first edition)Klagenfurt (1910)
Place (later editions)
Publisher (first edition)Mohorjeva družba (1910)
Publisher (subsequent editions)
Year of publication1910
SubjectSlovenian language
Links to digitized material
COBISS (library)
Sources and bibliographyVerordnungsblatt für den Dienstbereich des Ministeriums für Cultus und Unterricht, no. 3 (1910), pp. 67. (18. January 2023); Karin Almasy, Kanon und nationale Konsolidierung. Übersetzungen und ideologische Steuerung in slowenischen Schullesebüchern (1848–1918). Wien: Böhlau, 2018, 252.; Rudolf Mole: 'Slovenska čitanka za prvi razred dekliškega liceja,' Ljubljanski zvon 30, no. 7 (1910), 441-42. Available at: (18. January 2023)