Original author (if it is an adaptation) / Author (if it is an original work) | Miklošič, Ivan |
Author of the adaptation / Translator / Editor | |
Title (first edition) | Slovensko-nemška začetnica za ljudske šole = Slovenisch-deutsche Fibel für Volksschulen (1881) |
Title (subsequent editions) | Slovenisch-deutsche Fibel für allgemeine Volksschulen = Slovensko-nemška Začetnica za občne ljudske šole (1887, 1889, 1893, 1894); Slovenisch-deutsche Fibel für allgemeine Volksschulen = Slovensko-nemška Začetnica za obče ljudske šole (1896, 1897, 1898, 1900); Slovensko-nemški abecednik za obče ljudske šole = Slovenisch-deutsche Fibel für allgemeine Volksschulen (1907, 1910, 1913) |
Place (first edition) | Vienna (1881) |
Place (later editions) | Vienna (1887, 1889, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1907, 1910, 1913) |
Publisher (first edition) | C. kr. založba šolskih knjig (1881) |
Publisher (subsequent editions) | C. kr. založba šolskih knjig (1887, 1889, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1907, 1910, 1913) |
Year of publication | 1881, 1887, 1889, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1907, 1910, 1913 |
Subject | Slovenian language, German language |
Links to digitized material | Zgodovina Slovenije - SIstory: https://hdl.handle.net/11686/49335 |
COBISS (library) | https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/21738296; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/186557696; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/92608000; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/14600599; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/92607744; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/512244588; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/513324428; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/17369399; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/92607488; https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/sl/bib/126639360 |
Sources and bibliography | Andoljšek, Ivan. Naš začetni bralni pouk in učbeniki zanj II (1869-1918). Ljubljana : Univerzum, 1976, pp. 44; Verordnungsblatt für den Dienstbereich des Ministeriums für Cultus und Unterricht, no. 14 (1881), pp. 166. https://alex.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/alex?aid=vcu&datum=1881&size=45&page=189 (11. October 2022); Mantuani, Josip: Miklošič, Janez (1823–1901). Slovenska biografija. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2013. https://www.slovenska-biografija.si/oseba/sbi367651/#slovenski-biografski-leksikon (11. October 2022). Originally published in: Slovenski biografski leksikon: 5. vol. Maas - Mrkun. Franc Ksaver Lukman et al. Ljubljana, Zadružna gospodarska banka, 1933; Simonič, Franc. Slovenska bibliografija. Part 1, Knjige : (1550-1900.). Ljubljana, Slovenska Matica, 1903, pp. 317. |
Notes | Before 1871, two editions of the present work, which cannot be precisely dated, were published in Bad Radkersburg by the same publisher under different titles. Despite the significant change in the title, it is a reworking of the present text by Küzmič, also in the case of the work Krátki krsztsánszki návuk za málo deczo' published in 1895. Škafar states: 'In reality, the 15th edition of M. Küzmič's Slovenski silabikar from 1780, only without the alphabet and examples of syllabification /…. - The editor is unknown' (Škafar, 1978, 45-46, 62). |