Slowenisches Elementarbuch für Mittelschulen und Lehrerbildungsanstalten (1890)

Original author (if it is an adaptation) / Author (if it is an original work)Lendovšek, Josip
Author of the adaptation / Translator / Editor
Title (first edition)Slowenisches Elementarbuch für Mittelschulen und Lehrerbildungsanstalten (1890)
Title (subsequent editions)Slowenisches Elementarbuch für Mittelschulen und Lehrerbildungsanstalten (1900, 1906)
Place (first edition)Vienna (1890)
Place (later editions)Vienna (1900, 1906)
Publisher (first edition)C. kr. založba šolskih knjig (1890)
Publisher (subsequent editions)C. kr. založba šolskih knjig (1900, 1906)
Year of publication1890, 1900, 1906
SubjectSlovenian language
Links to digitized material
COBISS (library);;
Sources and bibliographyVerordnungsblatt für den Dienstbereich des Ministeriums für Cultus und Unterricht, no. 19 (1890), 267. (6. May 2023); Kolarič, Rudolf: Lendovšek, Josip (1854–1895). Slovenska biografija. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2013. (21. October 2022). Originally published in: Slovenski biografski leksikon: 4. vol. Kocen - Lužar. Franc Ksaver Lukman et al. Ljubljana, Zadružna gospodarska banka, 1932.
NotesIt is a textbook that has been approved for the teaching of the Slovenian language in educational institutions with the German language of instruction.